The Reality of April Fool’s Day

Ujala Yousaf
2 min readApr 1, 2020
Courtesy of

April Fool’s Day is a celebration held on the first day of April. It is a day filled with jokes, trickery, pranks, lies, and schemes. Many people trick their parents, relatives, friends, and teachers through various means. Even though this is supposed to be a fun and harmless celebration, many do not realize that they are performing deceitful actions and are lying.

While looking for things to write about this day, I found many resources encouraging people to pull pranks. There were lists, videos, and directions that gave detailed guides on how to perform the prank without getting caught. You could replace the Oreo filling with toothpaste or prank call a family member. To me, this was disturbing as many young children are seeing these things and will grow up to lie and perform deceitful actions without realizing it.

Modern technology has allowed for many articles, books, and videos to be created that teach us many ways to prank someone. When we go on YouTube, we will find thousands of videos, and at that time we will laugh and will think of it as a fun idea. However, underneath those videos, there is a layer of deceitfulness and lies. As a Muslim girl, lying for me is a sin, as in the Holy Quran, God commands that “O ye who believe; fear Allah, and say the right word,” (Ch.33: V.71). God is telling us that we should abstain from lying, avoid the company of those who lie, and should be in the company of those who abide by pure thoughts and deeds. Thus, for me, this is a holiday that contradicts my beliefs and hope that others refrain from this as well.



Ujala Yousaf

Educating others on taboo topics and hoping to change the world through my writings.